Author Topic: Tails RPG  (Read 12673 times)

unbnnage me. all i did was go to the snake D:

Currently im working on v6

Done -

Steel (just got one last thing to do, but its easy)
More stable quest givers (just gotta add the new event to 2 more)
You must be level 2 to burn wood
You must be level 4 to smith
Dropping weapon on death
Jail system

Not done -

Auto weather
Horse seller
Arena (I'm not sure if ill be able to do this just yet, Waiting on rky :o)
Weapon crafting
« Last Edit: November 25, 2008, 09:07:31 PM by tails »

Looks(and sounds) awesome.

I wish I didn't get banned for banning Spenny for 1 minute D: (damn no unban policy :<)

You finished it?!

I thought it was only half done when i saw it

I'll be hosting a passed server soon, Come along if you want :3
Damn, I wanna come to that. Anywayz, freaking awesome build!

k i just finished steel. it was alot harder then i thought it would be ;3

I might open server soon for some testing


You must be level 4 to smith
You must be level 2 to burn
You must be level 5 to go to arena
You must be level 5 to make steel

Zombies are gone

HelpingHand's r better because it uses a monies system with variables. But it's build lovey.

Arena (I'm not sure if ill be able to do this just yet, Waiting on rky :o)

You called?

HelpingHand's r better because it uses a monies system with variables.
...So does mine..

Protip: actually know what you are talking about before you judge.

HelpingHand's r better because it uses a monies system with variables. But it's build lovey.
-100 respect

Arena is done, just needs the events for whoever is fighting :3
Dread muffin ;3