Author Topic: Help with Dedicated server.  (Read 775 times)

I need help with dedicated server because whenever i make a dedicated server it closes down.Do I start a dedicated server without making a server?Or do i make a server and then make a dedicated server and dedicated LAN servers work,but dedicated Internet servers don't.PLEASE HELP.

I need help on this too if it makes any difference, i looked it up a little bit and found pretty much nothing. ima try again.

try making without any addons, if it works then try some addons, if it doesn't, then i have no idea

How do i turn them off for a dedicated server?

how do you even make a dedicated server.....

Start blockland normally, and change your settings how you want them for the dedicated. I don't know if you have to start the server to save them, or if it saves them automatically.

Close blockland, and start the dedicated.bat file inside your Blockland folder.