Author Topic: AoT v28 server never going back up  (Read 2703 times)

AoT is officialy, officialy, Dead.

I think the server was crashed...on badspot.
I don't think he will work on this game anymore at all.
The server is never going up.
AoT isn't a game anymore.
Lets just forget about it.

Wait, nevermind.

What we will do to remember it:

1)Take all the screenshots out of your AoT.

2)Make a new folder called "AoTScreenshots" or something like that if you havn't already.

3)Place the AoT screenshots in the folder.

4)Drag AoT into the recycle bin, trashcan or whatever

5)Use those photos as memories of this game

I think the server was crashed...on badspot.
No. Skylord did it.

Why the hell would Badspot need to crash his own server to shut it down?

News flash: He hasn't added a single thing to this game in two and a half years now.

It will come up when he feels like putting it back up. He doesn't make money off of it and shouldn't care if you play or not.

Return to Age of Time!

Then Age of Time retail could come out!

Then RtAoT 2.0 Could come out for retail AoT!


If only. Sadly badspot must add all the stuff, so no mods are coming. EVER.

Server has been down many times and it never was COMPLETLY dead. Badspot revived it everytime :p

aot can't go down then my username means nothing NOOOOOOOOO

badspot updatedifed it not that long ago noobys...

he redid the "aiding escape" crime and fixed the jail glitch.

so its aot v29 now, lulz

aot can't go down then my username means nothing NOOOOOOOOO
What is your ingame name?

badspot updatedifed it not that long ago noobys...

he redid the "aiding escape" crime and fixed the jail glitch.

so its aot v29 now, lulz


my ingame name is just allan but for the forums it's the AoT guy I wish I named my ingame name that

Actually something is weird because  now instead of 7/30 we got 0/30 people online

i think badspot is now fixing it or it is fixed but i still cant connect

Eh.. I still think it's dead.