Willing to join a decent clan.

Author Topic: Willing to join a decent clan.  (Read 8822 times)

Looking for an active clan.

I'm quite loyal and willing to tryout if needed.

Dont you see all the threads on the AoT Clan Discussion? Just post it in there, dont make a whole new thread about it.

Some of the clans in AoT have died out due to people not being active.

Give him a break, Jubei. He just wants to join a community.

I guess he did the right thing then.

well i was going to make a clan called xX[MPU]Xx it will own it depends wat mod you got

well i was going to make a clan called xX[MPU]Xx it will own it depends wat mod you got
this is AoT not blockland and *learn how to type

I, myself, was thinking about starting my «DeR» (Dark Empire Redux) clan, after I gathered many resources and brought friends to back me up.

Good idea, bad name.

I'm a handicap!

Not saying you're handicapped, just looking at that name makes me think of one.

No offense.

MmHm. A lot of people have said that. Where are they now? Laying on the ground, bleeding to death from multiple lacerations.

The handicapped sound of the acronym is what makes it rather ironic, like say that somebody sees somebody with the acronym in their name. Person points and laughs. Person soon gets ganked and killed. Person goes "AAAAGH!! I WAS KILLED BY DER!! FREAKING DER!!!"

Irony? I think so.

The name never really matters. It's the power contained within the name.

how about the powerpuff girls clan?

how about the powerpuff girls clan?


MmHm. A lot of people have said that. Where are they now? Laying on the ground, bleeding to death from multiple lacerations.

The handicapped sound of the acronym is what makes it rather ironic, like say that somebody sees somebody with the acronym in their name. Person points and laughs. Person soon gets ganked and killed. Person goes "AAAAGH!! I WAS KILLED BY DER!! FREAKING DER!!!"

Irony? I think so.

The name never really matters. It's the power contained within the name.

A lot of insults could be derived from your clan name, is all I'm saying. Whether you kill them or not.