Author Topic: What's the stupidest thing you've ever heard someone say on Blockland?  (Read 178057 times)

Mine was when someone ((Im not saying...) said they wear britney spears ...

Mine was when someone ((Im not saying...) said they wear britney spears ...
She's clothing? I was not aware Britney Spears could be worn.

Mine was when someone ((Im not saying...) said they wear britney spears ...


She's clothing? I was not aware Britney Spears could be worn.

i think he/she means "were"

"your stuped flag"


"You stupid cigarette."

Uttered by a player by the name of "griffen" on the USSR server a while back, it was directed at me because I told him to stop spamming my town.

:O that's my brother.

'Hw du u pant'
Nuff said.

This thread is reminding me why I pretty much stopped playing Blockland online.

I have to much trust to build on your blocks.
Speaking of trusts, another guy said give me build trusts so i can make house. he had full trust.

"Dewd yeu arr sush a fayggut77? and i woll baan yuu"    <also non admin
"Hey can u be on ur taeemm"     I know i said "ur"
"D00d jeese you are a meenyy fatty bootylicious pantys"     I have no idea
"I am mexican! Raping little children in the back of my van!"     Sadly, i remember this one PERFECTLY
"DUDD I ATE U U UR A !#@$%#$^@&$^&#%$*&%^%("     i had no idea

this guy said "hi theret cna i hvae admnb" i perma banned him, he said it like that too

For me... I really don't know. I'm pretty sure I've heard "oh yeah im pretty sure im taller and strongur dan u and could beat u up in real life".


I winnar

"how do i spamz"*note he was building a red house out of 1x1x5s and 1x1s