Author Topic: Post real life pictures of yourself.  (Read 8854002 times)

grow it out and find a style that fits. you could start with a basic long on top short on sides

The squid is mind controlling coolguy

no, if anything he's only mocking nationality/ethnicity and even then only jokingly
I think it was about the unholy lack of melanin in there

iOh was gonna ask him if he wanted to do a virginia meetup but it appears the squids have gotten to him first. Ah well

iOh was gonna ask him if he wanted to do a virginia meetup but it appears the squids have gotten to him first. Ah well
lol I was going to ask too

don't fall for it drydess it's the squid!!!

What if coolguy was the squid all along and the human is it's mind-controlled puppet? That would explain why it sometimes thinks it's a yeti!

What if coolguy was the squid all along and the human is it's mind-controlled puppet? That would explain why it sometimes thinks it's a yeti!
no this is the Neo-Yeti after I beat cheeser, some random yeti started a gang of yetis to start over cheesers original plan which is taking Earth, but now with a new power

Advanced techniques in flipping people off

soundcloud rapper has stroke while taking picture