Author Topic: Post real life pictures of yourself.  (Read 8848428 times)

It's a great way to prevent getting pants'd.

Ignore my cousin in the picture, was to lazy to crop

Ignore my cousin in the picture, was to lazy to crop
I don't see how prevention of pantsing is gross.

I don't see how prevention of pantsing is gross.
It's just obscene you wear those

Yes. No one seems to mind. I get compliments .
Theyre just picking on you

prepare your selfs  because im going to post my REAL picture of me and my wife to be

prepare your selfs  because im going to post my REAL picture of me and my wife to be
... Not buying this

your mad because im getting married
« Last Edit: May 08, 2010, 10:37:40 PM by superslayer »

your made because im getting married
Main Entry: made
Pronunciation: \ˈmād\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from past participle of maken to make
Date: 14th century
1 a : fictitious, invented <a made excuse> b : artificially produced c : put together of various ingredients <a made dish>
2 : assured of success <a made man> —usually used in the phrase have it made

go be grammer national socialist some where else

go be grammer national socialist some where else
Go try and make an internet forum full of kids jealous with marriage somewhere else, you seven year-old.

think what you want i am still getting married next week :)