Author Topic: Post real life pictures of yourself.  (Read 8852005 times)

Are you serious?
Ok then. People with short hair are tools who just like to look cool to get friends. Not only that, but they are jocks who take sports way too seriously.
I think people with short BLACK hair are loving morons because they all cut themselves and watch anime. I hate the way you live, because somehow people with short hair always lead THAT kind of life, as if it governs them somehow.

Do you see what I'm doing here? You can't generalize one trait of a person in with things that have hardly anything to do with it.
I have long hair and I don't have one piercing, I have never dyed my hair, and I have never once in my life, EVER gone into a hair stylist, because I honestly think that isn't worth money at all. The most I have done is get my hair cut or trimmed at home.
Thank goodness I have short brown hair. :D

Eh, the top portion was sarcasm anyways. I don't care how you people do your hair. I'm just sick of people who make assumptions off of stupid things like hair length, or hair color.

Cut it yourself with regular paper cutting scissors and then don't shower for weeks.

Hey guys, a rather recent ranting I listened to reminded me of you guys! So, I decided to pop in and say "Hello." That and leave a picture of myself. Not much has changed, but it has been a while.

And sorry about quality, the webcam is not worth much.

You could so edit a creepy entity into the background. :D

You could so edit a creepy entity into the background. :D
When you see it

you'll stuff brix

You could so edit a creepy entity into the background. :D
I love my new room. It's so dark, that even during daytime, it's pitch black without the inner lights on.

You could so edit a creepy entity into the background. :D
On the tv lol
I love my new room. It's so dark, that even during daytime, it's pitch black without the inner lights on.
I hate your my room is 12 by 14 and has, 7 windows. its so bright I love it.


o hey door whered you come from :cookieMonster:

It's not a picture, but whatever.
Just me doing a frontflip.