Author Topic: Post real life pictures of yourself.  (Read 8856436 times)

I'm starting to come to the realization that anyone with the word "block" or any ambiguation of it in their name is inherently an idiot or is destined to become one

seriously, take a look around.

I'm starting to come to the realization that anyone with the word "block" or any ambiguation of it in their name is inherently an idiot or is destined to become one

seriously, take a look around.
For some reason that is very true in every case I have seen "Block" in the name...

[i g][/img]
E-thug to the rescue.

Just to clear that up why I'm saying this is because you're defending a person, who some people have legitimate reasons to hate upon, because you think it'll make you manly or something to stand up for an internet girl and then you go on to say that any real reason to hate her is 'bullstuff' because she's a girl and good looking in your eyes, the you proceed to call it 'bullying' even though no harm was made towards her. Yeah, hit the nail right in the bat with that one.

But you know, you could just deny that and go on with your day of white knight rescue.

I'm starting to come to the realization that anyone with the word "block" or any ambiguation of it in their name is inherently an idiot or is destined to become one

seriously, take a look around.
Don't take it out on the other 'blocks' because of your grudge against me. Plenty of idiots around without the word "block" in their name.

my hair felt like covering my face at the moment

also yeah that's my bich rite ther im such a studdd

Plenty of idiots around without the word "block" in their name.
He didn't say there wasn't?

you proceed to call it 'bullying' even though no harm was made towards her.
You must know everything. Maybe there was, maybe there wasn't. Either way you were in the wrong. /Joking/ can be taken seriously by some people. I am not saying she did, but you don't know.

So you're saying I can't defend a girl? Oh my bad, I didn't know the rules of the internet. I can have my opinion, you can have yours. You can attack/defend what you want and I can attack/defend what I want. This is life. Deal with it.

If you want you can continue to derail this topic, but I am done with this inconvenient E-whatever stuff you try to pull on everyone.

my hair felt like covering my face at the moment

also yeah that's my bich rite ther im such a studdd
you're a lot smaller then i thought

He didn't say there wasn't?
You must know everything. Maybe there was, maybe there wasn't. Either way you were in the wrong. /Joking/ can be taken seriously by some people. I am not saying she did, but you don't know.

So you're saying I can't defend a girl? Oh my bad, I didn't know the rules of the internet. I can have my opinion, you can have yours. You can attack/defend what you want and I can attack/defend what I want. This is life. Deal with it.

If you want you can continue to derail this topic, but I am done with this inconvenient E-whatever stuff you try to pull on everyone.

why do you do /this/

also you're saying he's the one derailing the thread when you're the one who started stuff in the first place.

It's fun to make fun of whiteknights. Get the forget over it, bubbagum isn't going to suck your richard.

also is anyone else bothered when someone purposefully says they cant take jokes because that's their own loving fault and they need to change that

it's like you think the fact that you can't take a joke is a reason not to joke around with you, which is totally not true
« Last Edit: August 01, 2013, 05:34:52 PM by hodototman »

my hair felt like covering my face at the moment

also yeah that's my bich rite ther im such a studdd
your so loving lovey

also you're saying he's the one derailing the thread when you're the one who started stuff in the first place.
I didn't say I wasn't? I just said I was done, but obviously not? You can joke with anyone however you want. But there is a time and place to stop ethically speaking. But I guess I am in the wrong for defending someone. Sorry I must be a jackass for thinking such a thing.

I didn't say I wasn't? I just said I was done, but obviously not? You can joke with anyone however you want. But there is a time and place to stop ethically speaking. But I guess I am in the wrong for defending someone. Sorry I must be a jackass for thinking such a thing.

"sry i must b such i jackas 4 being a gud person u sick twit lole!!1"

this is what pisses me off the most about anyone ever

get out noob

He didn't say there wasn't?
You must know everything. Maybe there was, maybe there wasn't. Either way you were in the wrong. /Joking/ can be taken seriously by some people. I am not saying she did, but you don't know.

So you're saying I can't defend a girl? Oh my bad, I didn't know the rules of the internet. I can have my opinion, you can have yours. You can attack/defend what you want and I can attack/defend what I want. This is life. Deal with it.

If you want you can continue to derail this topic, but I am done with this inconvenient E-whatever stuff you try to pull on everyone.

Yes you're allowed to defend a girl, but that's the only reason you do it, because it's a girl, and she looks pretty in your eyes, if she was ugly or a dude you wouldn't give two forgets. You get hissy at anyone who jokes around her or hates her because you wouldn't want anyone touching your precious princess. Also this has showed up in the past a lot, and most of the time it's just giving the girl a bad reputation because you show up like a white knight in all shining armor to 'save the day' then make an ass out of yourself and the person you're defending.
And that's a funny way to end an argument, blame the whole thing on the other party then say it's 'derailing the actual topic' when it's clearly not.

my hair felt like covering my face at the moment

also yeah that's my bich rite ther im such a studdd


"sry i must b such i jackas 4 being a gud person u sick twit lole!!1"

this is what pisses me off the most about anyone ever

get out noob
Deal with it

Yes you're allowed to defend a girl, but that's the only reason you do it, because it's a girl, and she looks pretty in your eyes, if she was ugly or a dude you wouldn't give two forgets. You get hissy at anyone who jokes around her or hates her because you wouldn't want anyone touching your precious princess. Also this has showed up in the past a lot, and most of the time it's just giving the girl a bad reputation because you show up like a white knight in all shining armor to 'save the day' then make an ass out of yourself and the person you're defending.
And that's a funny way to end an argument, blame the whole thing on the other party then say it's 'derailing the actual topic' when it's clearly not.
You can attack/defend what you want and I can attack/defend what I want. This is life. Deal with it.