Author Topic: Post real life pictures of yourself.  (Read 9545089 times)

blueberry fix or repair daily lookin ass

wash your car
>heels off ground

wash your car
>heels off ground
Wait people WASH their cars???

wash your car
>heels off ground
this was taken I think over a year ago(?) in the winter lol

this was taken I think over a year ago(?) in the winter lol
you sure? picture looks pretty hot for winter

you sure? picture looks pretty hot for winter
look on the ground dummy that's salt

i got another pair of chucks too, they have red stripes on them
RIP my grey low tops

i got another pair of chucks too, they have red stripes on them
RIP my grey low tops

Thats not the point brother thats NOT how you slav squat 0/10

i hope the arch of your feet collapse and you feel the mind crushing pain as your plantar fascia snaps like an elastic rubber band. never EVER squat like that again on my forums, punk

I actually ripped the forget out of my jeans attempting actual slav squats so I try to hold back

that and I'm a gamer c'mon y'all i don't do yoga

my lord... your presence here is extraneous. i have the blockland situation under control, i will not fail you now. just give me a little more time, and i will bring to you the results. you will not be dissapointed. please sir i am begging you for another chance... no sir i've given my entire life to you... i am loyal... please do not do this! nooo!!

my lord... your presence here is extraneous. i have the blockland situation under control, i will not fail you now. just give me a little more time, and i will bring to you the results. you will not be dissapointed. please sir i am begging you for another chance... no sir i've given my entire life to you... i am loyal... please do not do this! nooo!!