Author Topic: Post real life pictures of yourself.  (Read 9715509 times)

this is the last pic ill ever post of myself

woops wrong picture how do i delete this

is that colossal titan head a candle or just decoration?

I stole it from a hot topic display window

this is the last pic ill ever post of myself
bro we're twins

is that colossal titan head a candle or just decoration?
it's a lamp actually, the gamer zone looks quite a bit different since then though

« Last Edit: January 02, 2022, 01:23:36 AM by Goth77 »

im not even trans
cope and seethe handicaps
aged like spoiled milk

aged like spoiled milk
does this mean you'll stop acting like a 4chan reject

does this mean you'll stop acting like a 4chan reject
not untill they unban me for posting instructions on how to make a homemade pipebomb
literally 1984

it's funnier when you realize that they aren't teenagers anymore and are probably in their 20s still acting like this. you wonder what kind of underground cesspool they frequent that still enabled this kind of behavior
it's funnier when you realize you still work at a grocery store and dress like a preteen

yeah i cant afford new clothes cause im stuck working at a grocery store