Author Topic: Post real life pictures of yourself.  (Read 8847665 times)

Theyre the twins in the picture
I had a feeling but I didn't want to assume stuff lol

Bump with creepy stalker kid taking pictures of me

i never knew you were an amputee :'(

Posts picture of self
Covers ugly face
Self esteem was crushed years ago

I hate it when people do this, if you aren't going to show your face... Stop acting like its a joke, its just stupid and even more and embarrasing when you cover your face with your hood, mask, pixel it out.

I love you. <3

So true, I hate seeing people hide under their hair, or try to pose stupidly because they are too scared. Just don't post if you aren't going to take a proper photo, exactly.

ill just leave this here...


ill just leave this here...
Nice vacuum cleaner.

[img ][/img]

ill just leave this here...
Totally getting laid tonight.

You look stoned.
I do not believe I was at that point yet.