Author Topic: Post real life pictures of yourself.  (Read 8847291 times)

Legacy, mind if I use that avatar? After all, it supposedly looks like me.

lol x100

if i ever saw hirro in real life i would beat the complete stuff out of him. just looking at his ugly ass face and his ugly ass hair and his puny, pale, and chubby body enrages me
Not even chubby bro.

Don't hate me cause you ain't me.

Have we ever seen a picture of you?

Also it's Hiiro*

for the most part I think he looks fine but it just doesn't look like he takes care of his hair at all
It's actually extremely well cleaned and groomed, just needs a trim right now cause it's too long but I'm too lazy to cut it. In pictures people mistake shiny-ness for greesy-ness

Also I get daily compliments from strangers on my hair, so Solid is just a raging douche and everyone else can lick my richard.

hiiro can you turn super saiyan

hiiro can you turn super saiyan
Never actually tried.

Have we ever seen a picture of you?

Actually, yes, we have. Solid has huge muscles. Not even kidding.

small amount of nc players, it's quite sad :c

NC here, feeling lonely......


Actually, yes, we have. Solid has huge muscles. Not even kidding.
Oh cool. I don't think he'd actually assault a minor though.

Otherwise he's just a loving mutt and needs to be put down.

"I don't like how you look so I'm gonna kick your ass"

Wow way to be tribal you little prick.
To dogs.

Sorry dogs, didn't mean to associate you with someone that's as big of an starfish as Solid!

Hiiro I will pay you a hundred dollars if you let me give you a buzz cut

Anyone on here ever do skype chats or anything?