Author Topic: Post real life pictures of yourself.  (Read 9671595 times)

ill be your dad for you

i wonder if there's even a trace of original tissue left in her face

Looks transgender or at least a guy in drag

its big ang shes a goddess

Looks transgender or at least a guy in drag
neither. so in the future don't trust your judgment when it comes to stuff like that

neither. so in the future don't trust your judgment when it comes to stuff like that
what's with the hostility

what's with the hostility
Wow ur soft if that's hostile to u

what's with the hostility
foxscotch is super sensitive with sjw stuff lmao

neither. so in the future don't trust your judgment when it comes to stuff like that
You're right, it's just a ladyboy.

Whatever it is, looks like a forgetin' ogre. Where do you even get these .gifs, Real Housewives of Kronos?

what's with the hostility

it wouldn't be social justice if it wasn't annoyingly aggressive for no reason

im sorry i steal

ot: this is my oc