Author Topic: Post real life pictures of yourself.  (Read 8840878 times)

fivehead is back with heavily edited photographs

honestly adidas and reebok are probably my two favorite brands right now
its ok fivehead brother, i understand your pain

i have a 7head so dont even front on me lol.

good fit btw you get accepted into varsity basketball or something

its ok fivehead brother, i understand your pain
i have a 7head so dont even front on me lol.
good fit btw you get accepted into varsity basketball or something
high fivehead dude
also thanks and i wish

I don't think so, there are two separate users named aludane and hydralisk in that screenshot.
plus Aludane has been here as long as hydralisk without getting banned, meanwhile hydralisk got banned a few times.

Oh, the post said "explaining to me what satansim is" so I assumed he was in the chat.

Ngl you have a lady's haircut

That hoodie looks very comfy

what is with these haircuts past few pages

On the subject of hair, rate mine x/10 please, but only if you rate above a 6

you mean Paul Walker? haha thanks!

Shoot me in the face and call me Kurt

were you teleporting when you took that picture