Author Topic: Post real life pictures of yourself.  (Read 8915884 times)

fsdfsffd ive seen so many ppl have good transitions and im so nervous for my own

... stuff

i want to transition into looking identical to maxwell. he sent me a skin sample that i am currently experimenting with in order to create a hormone serum for myself
dude im transmaxwell too!


... stuff
you gotta be 24/7 skeptical these days its 2017 you'll never know whos a trap

you gotta be 24/7 skeptical these days its 2017 you'll never know whos a trap
just go with the flow dude

just go with the flow dude

sounds like something a trap would say

just go with the flow dude
id rather die with my shield and sword in hand knowing i fought for what is right

you gotta be 24/7 skeptical these days its 2017 you'll never know whos a trap
i was convinced man

[im g width=600][/ img]
hey trog
can you run over trogtor in that