Author Topic: mission editor problem  (Read 2102 times)

how do you run the mission editor?I click it and it just flashes and goes away...I realy need a aswer!:(
« Last Edit: December 22, 2008, 12:57:58 PM by 10trev »

I realy dont know, im on your side im trying to find an awnser 2 :panda:

Tip: map2dif.exe is NOT the map editor.

For the last time, Map2Dif is a conversion program to turn .map's into .dif's, NOT the mission editor, or any working part of it.

Ok first go to you Blockland short-cut then right click on it then go to the box that says location and the end should look like this /Blockland.exe change it to /Blockland.exe " -mod editor

i tried, but it didnt do anything! and i even pressed F10 and F11 i did every f button!

Ok first go to you Blockland short-cut then right click on it then go to the box that says location and the end should look like this /Blockland.exe change it to /Blockland.exe " -mod editor

It won't even let me CHANGE the location!!! It's not a textbox! It's just text that I can't edit!

i tried, but it didnt do anything! and i even pressed F10 and F11 i did every f button!

Make sure you're pressing Alt+F(whatever number), it'll help when you're cycling through all of them.

no, it didnt work at all. alt f4 shut down blockland.

no, it didnt work at all. alt f4 shut down blockland.
Your computer must be retarted then. It opens the mission editor perfectly with alt+F4 for me lol. Just go to youtube and type in Blockland Mission Editor. Is it really that hard!? I did it on my first try without asking for help.
I was just kidding about alt+F4. I am not liable for loosing any unsaved precious builds