Author Topic: RTB cheats wtf?  (Read 5727 times)

I was browsing a cheatsite and I found this!

Those cheats are realy in-depth huh?

I got viruses when I enterd that site! But my virus program took care of them..

I downloaded all the no CD cracks and keygens, now I can play for free!

I got viruses when I enterd that site! But my virus program took care of them..

It generally helps if you have something other than IE...

I got viruses when I enterd that site! But my virus program took care of them..
I got one too, it was a trojan, better start my virus scan...

zomg nige y r u giffing us viruz3z?!? my puter is being haxed plz hlep!!!!!

zomg nige y r u giffing us viruz3z?!? my puter is being haxed plz hlep!!!!!
Hø hø.

Lika I said, I got 2 viruses. And yes, I'm using IE. My free anti-virus program (AVG) healed the 2 trojans.

people please

Firefox= good security
Ie sp1= okay
Ie sp2= kick ass

504 Gateway Time-out

WTF? Can someone post those cheats here?

Here's the cheat: "Press the ~ key to open the command console." I think another one there might have been about naming bots.