Author Topic: Bar Island  (Read 2156 times)

I like small builds, but I think that this needs more. The shape of the ship tells me that it needs a sail, I would kill the middle, duplicate the back and move it a couple studs back and re-build the middle with a  sail.

Personaly, I like it small.
I don't think that if you make it any bigger it will get any better.
If you put a few more islands around it then...
... That could work!

Here's some advice:

If you want it realistic, try making the beach bigger, because I'm pretty sure a ship wouldn't land on an island that's smaller than the ship itself and only has a tree and 3 flowers

Also, why is there only one tree on the island? And why is that tree taller than the ship?

One final thing, the default tree isn't suited for a build like this, try making some custom mini trees out of bricks.

Here's some advice:

If you want it realistic, try making the beach bigger, because I'm pretty sure a ship wouldn't land on an island that's smaller than the ship itself and only has a tree and 3 flowers

Also, why is there only one tree on the island? And why is that tree taller than the ship?

One final thing, the default tree isn't suited for a build like this, try making some custom mini trees out of bricks.
That a lotta advice.

lol he needs to learn to count. There are 6 flowers not 3 you silly blue butt pirate. Lol you're the captain XD

Personaly, I like it small.
I don't think that if you make it any bigger it will get any better.
If you put a few more islands around it then...
... That could work!
Not a bad idea... I'd do that if it wasn't a silly freebuild thing.

Here's some advice:

If you want it realistic, try making the beach bigger, because I'm pretty sure a ship wouldn't land on an island that's smaller than the ship itself and only has a tree and 3 flowers

Also, why is there only one tree on the island? And why is that tree taller than the ship?

One final thing, the default tree isn't suited for a build like this, try making some custom mini trees out of bricks.
I like the look of the default trees... it makes the build look more blockland-y.

Thanks for the ideas, though.

That's not advice. Honestly, I couldn't care less about the rating. All you're doing is basically saying "it's bad" without giving me any tips to improve it. How could I turn this into at least a 7/10, on your scale?

Who me?
Try and make it bigger, that's all.

I actually think it's pretty good :3 (butters)

My advice is to put the picture of it on your bl start menu, then build somthing else.

Theres nothing to show off... Its just some flats and a boat. The 2/10 is because the front of the boat is nice, but everything else is just to newbish looking to comment
His qoute is stupid, and I give 10/10, it is like , SO COOL!

His qoute is stupid, and I give 10/10, it is like , SO COOL!
It's not just LIKE so cool.
It is so cool!