Author Topic: BattleAxe  (Read 17269 times)

Model looks awful, no textures and smooth shaded.

model is not even his i have seen it in a pack at or was it something else? idk i have seen it at a free download 3d model site >:)

link to 3d model weapon set with this AXE
« Last Edit: February 08, 2009, 12:54:14 AM by yndaaa »

I lol'd when I actually looked at this weapon from third person.
It looks like a blue piece of paper.
You even hold it the wrong way.

I like it anyway, as a comical item.

forget no, we don't need another Saber Ninja, thank you.
Thank you for agreeing with me.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2009, 11:32:38 AM by kmfi22 »

forget no, we don't need another Saber Ninja, thank you.

@Topic: Looks neat, but you may want to adjust the scale a bit.
thank you for agreeing with me

That is a terrible model for use in Blockland.
Your kidding right? This is a good model. The RPG weapons could use these.

forget no, we don't need another Saber Ninja, thank you.
Thank you for agreeing with me.

Saber Ninja? Where?

Its ok but you should make the handle a diffrent color to give it a nice effect.

Your kidding right? This is a good model. The RPG weapons could use these.

Are you blind? This model is terrible.

What the frick is wrong with it why is every one saying its "sheee sheee" ITs looks perfectly good to me

I love it! You get 10 cookies!!!!! :cookieMonster: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie:


executioner face and chest decal anyone?

Oh don't even pretend that.
stop being stupid.both of you.