Author Topic: Re-Discussion: Blockland on Xbox Live Arcade?  (Read 4823 times)

I came upon an ancient topic discussing this subject.

So I thought we could discuss it again.

Anyway, there isn't many issues with pulling it over, the only one I see is Add-Ons, but RTB could play a role there. Also, PC-360 Compatibility would be nice. As for the control scheme:

Anyway, opinions/thoughts?
Also, don't be a friend, this is for discussion, not PC Vs. Console stuff.

I was thinking of this a few days ago. However what about keys and MS Points?
Will the MS points be an equilivant of $20 and assign you an ID?

I was thinking of this a few days ago. However what about keys and MS Points?
Will the MS points be an equilivant of $20 and assign you an ID?
I believe so, it would automatically assign the Xbox an ID, but there should be a manual entry for people who already have keys, I think.

Sounds kick-ass.

Edit: what about f8?
« Last Edit: January 20, 2009, 05:39:28 PM by Shinji »

i want some way to fly planes with a joystick in the USB port :3

ontopic: the controls for an xbox controller look good.

you know xbox can easily use any usb keyboard and mouse.
why have to noob it up just because your pc sucks and you wanna console game

Fatdog says:
Quote from: Fatdog
Let's say you're a developer and you want to get started. It all begins with a concept submission, which is simply emailed to (Better keep reading before you start typing out that email). The team at Microsoft is looking for several things. For one, they want ideas that'll expand the Xbox Live Arcade offering -- not clones of existing games. For another, they want games that'll work well on a console and that'll utilize the features of Live as much as possible. They want "quick-playing" games, things players can pick up and put down fifteen minutes later. These games are meant to be downloaded, so they shouldn't require a manual, or maps, or complex instructions -- "pick up and play" simplicity is the key to a successful Live Arcade game. Game submissions also have to work within the "free demo - buy the full version" model. And finally, while not a hard and fast rule, Xbox Live games should be under 50MB, with games under 25MB being ideal. That way people can store the entire game on their memory unit and take it to a friend's house.

you know xbox can easily use any usb keyboard and mouse.
why have to noob it up just because your pc sucks and you wanna console game


this is an awful lot of modifying and porting a game because you wanna hear the gay voice of your friends.

learn to pc game

this is an awful lot of modifying and porting a game because you wanna hear the gay voice of your friends.

learn to pc game
Not everyone is a PC gamer you elitist friend.
Sounds kick-ass.

Edit: what about f8?
S1 could work.

You could make the graphics shmexy

Sounds kick-ass.

Edit: what about f8?
F8? Maybe making a new Button in the pause menu.

Updated control scheme.

Placing bricks?  Lowering, raising?  Jet button?  Non-handicapped crouch button?