Author Topic: Badspot, something weird happened  (Read 3557 times)

Okay. So I was swapping clothes with someone, and then they ran off with my pants! ( I didn't have panties with me.) So I tried getting out, but I got dems. I ran for the sake of my demerits (and my police status), but I had already been removed. So I jailed myself, since I couldn't do anything else, and the police were going to get me anyway. From then on I kept getting a longer jailtime, and someone decided to drop me some panties. But, even though I have panties, I was wondering if you could reverse this, and make me a Police officer again. (Please?)

uh..No, No, and NO, that's his answer. Have a nice day :)

Your fault for dropping the pants.

You're probably right. I made a new account anyway.

Like minded said, you can overwrite your account if you care about this nick (though  you will lose everything that was in it - gold, items etc).


Just drop all your gold and items, or get someone to hold onto them, then make a new account.

Just drop all your gold and items... ...then make a new account.
LOL, That's how he got into this mess. :U

Mail all your items then find a place to drop your gold then pick it up on your other char.


Holy crap, somebody with common sense!

Not realy. Mailing every single item in your inventory is a nightmare, not to mention the 1 gp cost of every mail.

If you could mail packages (200 fibers for example), it was great.

Then drop your fibre in a safe place to pick up its not hard and if you dont want to mail it like the fibre drop in a safe spot and pick it up on other char.

no... the best way to move large scale of items is to shop them.

Not realy. Mailing every single item in your inventory is a nightmare, not to mention the 1 gp cost of every mail.

If you could mail packages (200 fibers for example), it was great.
no... the best way to move large scale of items is to shop them.
You just outdid yourself : o you should of said that before