Author Topic: Dumdum566's Colorset V2!!!!!!!  (Read 3681 times)

i hope i gave the right link XD that i did but my new light blue waterish color wont turn trans even tho i told it to so...
« Last Edit: February 03, 2009, 10:38:15 PM by dumdum566 »

Needs more, good start.

Young Link the colors are all blended so the softs and darks are mixed in.
I based it partly on a color scale using pirmary and secondary and branching off.
I like the orange- XD i made it my favorite shade of orange

needs moar brown
ill do that next update then, and also make it so the grays dont look the same XD

I like alot. I'll dl and test it out :)
( still could use a bit more refining )

I like alot. I'll dl and test it out :)
( still could use a bit more refining )
well its my first try at a colorset, im about to die due to all the positive feedback


Also, needs moar color.

we have alot of colorsets already, ive made my own personal colorset but didnt release it because we have enough.

it seems a little sloppy now

it seems a little sloppy now
thazts becasue the new collums are random colors

Very unorganized and the fact that there are more colors in one column than the others is a big no-no in colorsets.