Author Topic: My hand.  (Read 6244 times)

Yes, I actually have that cut into my hand. Don't ask why.

Ok, here is the story of my beautiful picture:

I got bored in religion after completing all the work and decided to sketch some stuff on my notepad. my teacher came over and asked what I was drawing. I said I'm drawing my hand. She just walked on.

When she returned, she saw the U symbol there. She chucked a loving spaz at me. It went kind of like this:


And, as someone normally would, I laughed. She snatched my pad from me and started to flick through. She read some of my poems and started to look deeply disgusted at my questioning of a greater being. She slammed it back down on my desk and as soon as it hit the desk I snatched it from underneath her hand due to me being scared of her ripping it to shreds. Seriously, I was.

At the end of the lesson she asked to see me. I told one of my friends to take my pad and put it in their locker. When I walked up to her she asked for my pad because she wished to dispose of it. I told her the truth and said I don't have it with my right now. Her face went red and it was really hard not to laugh. She told me to hand her my things and before I could she ran to my desk to look through all of my things. She took my black+white checkered arm band (D:) and told me to get out. As I was walking away she kept on staring at me like some strange stalker.

She followed me around in a way as if she desired for my pad. I eventually got it after school where she couldn't go near me. I think she thinks she has ultimate proof I'm a satanist. Pfft, religion.

What a loving stalker bitch.

Wear a Burzum shirt next time.

Must try that. Shame I need to wear a uniform.

Actually don't, I think if they knew what the band did they might actually try and hang you.

i love religion, not for the fact of religion but for how some people act towards it; such as your teacher.

i mean seriously, why should she give a forget what youre doing? if she believes in all the blah stuff of catholics and all that fun stuff then she should just assume that youre going to go to hell whilst she goes to heaven. next time, tell her this after she yells at you for youre alleged satanism:

"you really shouldnt care what i do in this life, for it really wont effect your next life. seeing as you are even here you probably base your entire life around making this next life as good as clinically possible; using these rules which at the core are just ethics with a little goody-bag called 'heaven' on the side. so all in all, dont care about me, care about your little quest to ultimate redemption; not mine."

Isn't stealing a bad thing?

Yes, I actually have that cut into my hand. Don't ask why.

Isn't stealing a bad thing?
I think his teacher believes that taking his things is justified.

Emo people injure themselves because they are attempting Self Delete.
Putting cult symbols on your hand cannot kill you.
I highly doubt it was an act of emoism.

This is 1 of the reasons why I don't go to religion any more. It was very boring and I could have been doing other things at the time. I do believe in god but I will believe science more than god any day. After all why did he create science if it isn't with religion?

I don't go to religion
Where is this religion you used to go to?

Emo people injure themselves because they are attempting Self Delete.

No, it's for attention, emo kids are too pusillanimous individual to go all the way.