Author Topic: Stupid Little Brother  (Read 3366 times)

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

My, you're dense.

I gave you an example of an American empire and you respond with something childish because it was a valid point. I guess an American can't be wrong can you?

I do commend you on your sprinkling of $3 words mixed in with the rest of your rather pedestrian($5!) vocabulary. It's really counterproductive to your argument and refutes anything you have to say.

See? now we are getting somewhere, you are trying to make valid points against me rather then flailing about attacking America. This is an important step because you now recognize me as something other than just a random American.

But you still have to move beyond insults to explain what points, if any, you have. I just sorry i had to use insults myself to them to get you to talk.

Unless you don't really know what you are angry about, i could tell you if you want.

Hey tophat how old are you.

Hey tophat how old are you.


I just hang around forums because i am taking a year off and I get bored.

EDIT: truth be told i am looking at another board and reading a manga right now too.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2009, 12:00:04 AM by zz_tophat »

Don't hate on him too much Vertzer, he has to flex his monocle and 9th grade dictionary somewhere seeing that stuff gets you punched in the face in the real world.

Don't hate on him too much Vertzer, he has to flex his monocle and 9th dictionary somewhere seeing that stuff gets you punched in the face in the real world.

Quoted for almost truth, i use wordweb as my dictionary/thesaurus but i don't have it running right now.

EDIT: i opened it, turns out the only good synonym for "Quoted" is "cited", doesn't exactly roll off the tongue does it? It's almost as if having access to a dictionary isn't enough to use wordz goodly.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2009, 12:25:16 AM by zz_tophat »

i remember kindergarten actually.
everyday from the first day we would count a number higher.
we had a party at 100th day
We counted to a hundred like every week lol

Your ways sounds more fun though :'(

It looks like Bisjac was raised for partying
« Last Edit: February 07, 2009, 12:07:53 AM by bustos »

[We counted to a hundred like every week lol

Your ways sounds more fun though :'(

It looks like Bisjac was raised for partying
We used to do that for the Alphabet, we never got to Z D':

Epic thread is epic, ohm nom nom.

7 Years old, they aren't even aware of cars let alone how to count properly.
Must have forgotten/missed the thread involving a 6 year old driving his mother's car 10 miles because he played GTA

I don't see how it matters where I could be living. All these haters of nations in this thread.
I make my money, and buy my junk, and do what I want to be happy. Where I live isn't even important, I could do it all anywhere in the world.
The have-nots are usually the ones that will hate, being the ones that feel the need to.
Note I'm not meaning to be roostery, its the sad truth people just forget.

P.S. I was born and have lived in New York my whole life. :)