Author Topic: Top Down Player, Smash TV-ish  (Read 10380 times)

Top Down Player
Like Smash TV

Top Down View player.

*zombies and wedge not included.


Download (Last Updated: Mon Feb 23, 2009 10:48 pm)

Put into the Add-Ons folder in your Blockland folder.

Click Here to view this file on the RTB Download Manager

My pants are no longer dry.

May the Blockland gods bless Rotondo, for he has brought us a quality add-on once more.

Dammit, 2 weeks till I can fix my computer. :(
I am totally zombie it up with this!

how does it aim, horizontally or controllable?

edit: wither way, epic win

Skoposh says:
Top Down Player ):
Dropshock says:
Skoposh says:
Dropshock says:

How can I get this to work with Zombies? They won't move unless it is on Survivor player.

Hah, I saw this on Wallet's server a while ago, I don't know if it was the same one though.

How can I get this to work with Zombies? They won't move unless it is on Survivor player.

Good point :o

This be epic

How can I get this to work with Zombies? They won't move unless it is on Survivor player.

Use the setZombieTarget event
« Last Edit: February 24, 2009, 10:58:13 PM by CrazyGoodDude »

How can I get this to work with Zombies? They won't move unless it is on Survivor player.
Code: [Select]

//a new player datablock with quake-like movement

datablock PlayerData(PlayerTopDownArmor : PlayerStandardArmor)
minJetEnergy = 0;
jetEnergyDrain = 0;
canJet = 0;
cameramaxdist = 20;
cameramindist = 0;
maxlookangle = 0;
cameratilt = 1.5;
maxlookangle = 0;
minlookangle = 0;
cameraMaxFov = 90;
thirdpersononly = 1;
isSurvivor = 1;

uiName = "Top Down Player";
showEnergyBar = false;

I found this quite simple, if you want to get this player type to work with Can Respawn off, thats not my problem, you simply add isSurvivor = 1; to the script.
« Last Edit: February 24, 2009, 11:09:00 PM by Snip3r »

