Author Topic: Broked RTB?  (Read 2424 times)

I tink I brokeded da RTB forumz.

phpBB : Critical Error

Error updating sessions table


SQL Error : 1226 User 'mocheeze_p_bb1' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 50000)

UPDATE phpbb_sessions SET session_time = 1148526679, session_page = 0 WHERE session_id = 'e847c1c4103258f047a615df22576 29c'

Line : 354
File : sessions.php!

That's what happens when I enter the RTB forums.

Good. I thought it was jus- Wait. That isn't good. Fuuuucckool kids klubkk! What's with the RTB forums?

It happens every once and a while. Never buy hosting service with ipowerweb.

Oh. Okay Mocheeze, thanks.

*tries again*

phpBB : Critical Error

Error doing DB query userdata row fetch


SQL Error : 1226 User 'mocheeze_p_bb1' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 50000)

SELECT * FROM phpbb_users WHERE user_id = -1

Line : 136
File : sessions.

No it aint