Author Topic: The new and improved 3D model topic!  (Read 4370795 times)

too many pointy bits like usual + looks like you couldn't decide between organic or rigid looking

Dunno if this is the right thread. It's about 3D modeling.

How would I go about taking a model from 3Ds Max 7 and getting it into the Hammer Editor? Like to use as a map.

If this isn't the right thread I'm sorry. :u
Well you take and you need a plug in to make the sketchup file to a .vmp

Thats all I know.

how does that relate to the model?

that's also a curious question to ask seeing as you were banned recently.
I have only been banned once, and it was for flaming back in 2009 (1 week).

Need inspiration aaaaaaa
Model the character from Journey. Then PM it to .:FancyPants:.

Model the character from Journey. Then PM it to .:FancyPants:.

so good - oh wait nvm deviantart link.
umm im pretty sure he was asking if that was the right thing to model, not trying to claim that he made that picture.

umm im pretty sure he was asking if that was the right thing to model, not trying to claim that he made that picture.

Answer is yes.
Make it blocky or whatever you want, it just needs to be distinguishable

Well you take and you need a plug in to make the sketchup file to a .vmp

Thats all I know.

Sketchup file? :u I said 3Ds Max.

umm im pretty sure he was asking if that was the right thing to model, not trying to claim that he made that picture.
i honestly missed the question marks. sorry kade.

"Realistic" Half Life 2 SMG. Which is an MP7.
« Last Edit: August 01, 2012, 11:49:01 PM by ShadowsfeaR »

fail/10 po doesnt roll up his sleeves