Author Topic: The new and improved 3D model topic!  (Read 3905532 times)

Some more weapons I made
(Click images to view in 3D)



Taurus 24/7

Wow pandan i was looking through old posts in this topic and:

Whaddaya know lol
Yeah it's a common gun, just like 90% of all guns made for blockland.

gonna have a real bad day rigging it though
goddamnit i still never learned how to rig lol

Yeah it's a common gun, just like 90% of all guns made for blockland.
Alright so

Can I have your skype

mines Tom.gunn62

anyone can add me if they want to also.

Treti you're getting much better, keep it up.

Treti you're getting much better, keep it up.
Thanks a lot man! hey, keep the good work on DayB, I'm hyped to play it!

Alright so

Can I have your skype

mines Tom.gunn62

anyone can add me if they want to also.

bear50cal (View in 3D)


Making this for the 360 No SC0PE sniper add-on.
It will spin you around 360 degrees before firing lol

looks bad having the magazine part just jammed into the rest of the gun with no change to it's topology

looks bad having the magazine part just jammed into the rest of the gun with no change to it's topology
which magazine part

which magazine part
no idea what it's called

the park just forward of the trigger