Author Topic: The new and improved 3D model topic!  (Read 3904040 times)

Opinions on the weapon so far?

the scope is very small

Pretty good for my first gun. Not really sure it fits in.

I made a model for the Block Wars movie
Here is the Greedo Head model for the cantina scene.
Greedo Head (For Block Wars) (View in 3D)

Pretty good for my first gun. Not really sure it fits in.

not enough sick spins compatability
(i guess some very, very minor star wars spoilers if being spoiled is still relevant.)

Now here's a WIP EL-16 for the Resistance. (At this rate I could go at more characters)

I like these because they don't use that weird chubby weapon style so many other people use

Opinions on the weapon so far?

it looks incredibly thin and weedy
the model itself isn't bad, its just the proportions make it look like it would snap in half at any moment
if that makes any sense

Opinions on the weapon so far?

IMO, the gun should be a bit more blocko style because it seems out of place with the blockhead proportions.

i think the gun itself just needs to be a bit larger. look at the scope

other than that it's p good

i think the gun itself just needs to be a bit larger. look at the scope
if you see his next post you will see that he made the scope larger
I think the new scope size would help a lot with the way it looks in comparison to the player