Author Topic: The new and improved 3D model topic!  (Read 4274504 times)

You must construct additional pylons

buildconfetti(); with that brick equipped


buildconfetti(); with that brick equipped
how to break everything, step 1

been a long time since i last made one of those sci fi gunsnssdgkn

my first 3d model ( which is also a street light )

umm thoughts rate out of 10

hard 8 cuz wheres the actual light dummy

hard 8 cuz wheres the actual light dummy
not to be a bitch but it's probably embedded in the rectangle at the top, that's how many LED streetlights look

i googled streetlight and found multiple streetlights with weird ass bulging rectangle bulbs but whatever i guess

not to be a bitch but it's probably embedded in the rectangle at the top, that's how many LED streetlights look

your model sucks
is this the beginning of ur new crusade against adrenaline