Author Topic: The new and improved 3D model topic!  (Read 3907997 times)

A possible weapon I might make.
I need suggestions, criticism, comments, etc...

It's just a little SMG, not over sized, but not tiny either.
The barrel looks bad. It looks too futuristic for the gun. I love the beveling, reminds me of Racer's models and my Mac10

The barrel looks bad. It looks too futuristic for the gun. I love the beveling, reminds me of Racer's models and my Mac10
But I like the barrel :C
Though I bevel most weapons I make anyway.
I might keep the barrel, because I think it looks fine

I was thinking of adding a second hand, but the gun's too small for it to look right.
And besides, that'd be too much work.

This might be in a weapon pack I make, so I need to decide which weapon to make next.

Assault Rifle

Halp now

It has six joints, quite a few for a weapon but hey, it's got a bunch of animations. Oh, and it's not alone either, it has sixteen buddy weapons all nestled in a folder and neglected.

Edit: forget, I hate compression.

That thinks look awesome

That is very nice, only part that I dislike is the trigger.

Fear not, in the hands of a bunch of Stalin bots, the ugly-ass trigger isn't too visible!

Damn, Monty. That stuff needs to get scripted.

It has six joints, quite a few for a weapon but hey, it's got a bunch of animations. Oh, and it's not alone either, it has sixteen buddy weapons all nestled in a folder and neglected.

Edit: forget, I hate compression.

That looks like  7 weapons put into one.

That looks like  7 weapons put into one.
I definetly see some AK-47 in dere.

A possible weapon I might make.
I need suggestions, criticism, comments, etc...

It's just a little SMG, not over sized, but not tiny either.

Quoting because I got paged by your awesome gun-thingy.

That looks like  7 weapons put into one.
I definetly see some AK-47 in dere.
It's the Galil below, without the super long barrel, better ironsights, a drum magazine, a skeleton stock, a roostering handle and better bevelling.

It's the Galil below, without the super long barrel, better ironsights, a drum magazine, a skeleton stock, a roostering handle and better bevelling.

 Yay, my dream was realised, weapons are now shorter in length so it doesn't look weird. My meaning of life has been quenched.

The first-person perspective makes them look shorter than they really are.

Also, I've been waiting for a good time to post pictures of the growing heap of unused models cluttering my Blockland folder.

Such as the following:

They both have Firing/Reloading/Readying animations, as do most of the weapons in the folder.

You need to get scripters on those.
Those are really nice models.

You need to get scripters on those.
Those are really nice models.
Broseph, I scripted these mere minutes after I exported them to .dts.