Author Topic: The new and improved 3D model topic!  (Read 4285023 times)

not the exact default pistol grip but I can say it's pretty accurate.
made 4 jirue
nice :o
i'll just borrow the basics of your design then, thankies o3o

its supposed to be that derp I just sculpted the face and some of his chest
this made me never play kh as a kid.

this made me never play kh as a kid.

wat about this

I got a little too excited with her facial rig derp

I got the model from alice madness returns

A revolver with a silencer. That makes no sense, as the cylinder the bullet is shot from generates the sound, not the barrel.
Sorry :c

Maybe it's an extended barrel!

wat about this

[img][/im  g]

I got a little too excited with her facial rig derp

I got the model from alice madness returns

I can't tell if I'm finding that hilarious or in my nightmares.

wat about this


I got a little too excited with her facial rig derp

I got the model from alice madness returns

Polish Winged Hussar. The wings will come eventually but they've been pissing me off. And I was too lazy to make my own armour so I just put lines on the default :3

Just stuff, it's bad i know.

I added wings to my hussar :D
That was faster than I thought.
It's pretty much done now.

If I ever planned to make it into items/hats/whatever I would re-do it and put a bit more effort in on the armour.

JINX WHAT THE loving stuff.

wat about this

I got a little too excited with her facial rig derp

I got the model from alice madness returns
Jinka's been infected by the Chriddof virus, everyone get to the bunker!

Rigging extremely low-poly meshes is just about the worst thing ever invented.

crful guise i her angry square men hav been killing with ths gun

That trigger has a tumor. It barely fits into the trigger guard.

Introducing random shiny red funs of HIGH loving POLY.