Author Topic: The new and improved 3D model topic!  (Read 4151726 times)

Playing around with mirrors in Blender

Oh my, that's beautiful.


Yes I was originally modeling that but decided to make it a placeholder for her attack animation

« Last Edit: November 16, 2012, 11:13:47 PM by jinkazma903 »

I haven't modeled in a while. Heres a Tomahawk based off of the one in MoH WF that I made for pepakura.

isn't that scythe gun from No more heroes 2?

I also haven't modeled in a while, so I popped a Claymore mine just for the lulz.
By the way, which one you prefer?


isn't that scythe gun from No more heroes 2?

Yes I was originally modeling that but decided to make it a placeholder for her attack animation

If you play Trackmania, you will remind this

Not really a fan of the front end, the rest looks cool though.