Author Topic: The new and improved 3D model topic!  (Read 3912254 times)

I got my AT-AT body in-game!!! Obviously I got a lot of issues to fix, but I'm excited nonetheless!

thats one heck of a sleek design. take pics when its done!

Here's a *bad* pic of it for now. Still wip, currently loaded with Google Assistant. Better pics when I get closer to completion. Bad results with Alexa, better ones with Google Assistant (one of them being that it can actually hear me from across the room now).

makin a minifig model with irl photos as textures

Looks really nice so far

Here's a *bad* pic of it for now. Still wip, currently loaded with Google Assistant. Better pics when I get closer to completion. Bad results with Alexa, better ones with Google Assistant (one of them being that it can actually hear me from across the room now).

is it fully sanded? if it is, it could maybe do with some polish and/or sharper edges. other than that, damn, that's nice.

Took care of the walk animation, the missing leg, and the UV mapping but now there's a weird lighting to my model

Took care of the walk animation, the missing leg, and the UV mapping but now there's a weird lighting to my model

export with triangle strips on

Weird lighting can also be caused by scaling your model in object mode instead of edit mode

Is this gonna be a playertype? How are you managing the hitbox?

Is this gonna be a playertype? How are you managing the hitbox?
It's a prop. Someone might make it into a playertype soon but idk

Weird lighting can also be caused by scaling your model in object mode instead of edit mode

Same thing with rotation, actually. Only rotate in edit mode.

when i scale/rotate stuff in object mode i just do ctrl + a and apply scale/rotation and i haven't had any problems with that stuff in forever