Author Topic: Wow I have a freakishly wierd talent  (Read 3928 times)

I can latch my foot onto my rib cage and hop around on one foot. ._.

Bend your leg all the way around, and hook it onto yer ribcage. That's what I do.

Women have a freakish talent were they can divide themselves into 2 people and then if you water the smaller one it gets bigger :0 never actually seen it happen, but I've heard stories

Women have a freakish talent were they can divide themselves into 2 people and then if you water the smaller one it gets bigger :0 never actually seen it happen, but I've heard stories

Yeah, I've heard of that too. I kinda hope it's a myth. :l

I can die simlutaneously on DM's  :cookieMonster:

alright just for the record I'm taking that down, that was just a joke for the weekend. so no more listening