Author Topic: Topic may cause dizziness, headache, diarrhea, etc.  (Read 781 times)


Is it just me, or are you guys noticing that pharmaceutical drugs are getting more and more ridiculous every day? On the commercials now they are required to list all of the possible side effects, and quite frankly I find it stupid that a cure for one type of disease will potentially lead to thirty other problems with you. I found a list of a bunch of completely ridiculous side effects, for medicines that may or may not stop a simple cold or headache. I have reached the point where I ask the question, "Is it really worth it?"

Cough Syrup May Cause:

-May be harmful to Unborn Babies
-Phycological Dependence
-Serious side effects on Respiratory and Neurological System
-Fainting Spells
-Allergic Reactions
-Breathing Problems
-Slurred Speech
-Upset Stomach
-Swelling of Face, Lips, or Tongue
-Raise Blood Pressure
-Worsening of Symptoms

Seriously? I would rather have my immune system deal with the headache. Actually, people have already questioned the safety of these products, which is why the FDA came out with this list of people who shouldn't take these medicines for risk of death.

You should not take this medicine upon risk of Death if:

-You have liver disease
-You have asthma
-You have diabetes
-You have mucus or phlegm with cough
-You smoke
-You take Amiodarone
-You take Fluoexetine
-You take Quinidine
-You take Central nervous system (CNS) depressants
-You take Monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors
-You are pregnant
-You are breast-feeding
-You are under two years old
-You have glaucoma
-You have kidney disease
-You have heart disease or high blood pressure
-You have thyroid disease
-You have emphysema or chronic bronchitis
-You have an enlarged p-spot
-You have problems with urination

So what population does that leave that will live if they take this drug? Remember this is cough medicine, just used to sooth a head ache or cough. I don't even want to know what the side effects of more dangerous drugs are, especially experimental drugs. Please tell me your opinion. Am I the only one who is seeing this?

Maybe he buys medicene on the internet?

Not drama.
I'm complaining about something, wouldn't that be considered Drama? Where would you move it?

I'm complaining about something, wouldn't that be considered Drama? Where would you move it?
This would go into Off Topic.
The Drama forum is about dramatical stuff going on in Blockland or the Blockland community. I.E. a person that everyone agrees is a handicap.

This would go into Off Topic.
The Drama forum is about dramatical stuff going on in Blockland or the Blockland community. I.E. a person that everyone agrees is a handicap.
Okay, thanks.