Author Topic: Cake Hat (Updated)  (Read 7454 times)

Its good but it should be called birthday cake hat now that you added candles.
I wish there was a way to like, take candle emitter and put it on my candles... I would need to redo the cakes model though and add new joints.

One pic 4 you:

off topic:THE CAKE IS A LIE
on topic:cool cake hat

off topic:THE CAKE IS A LIE
on topic:cool cake hat
Thanks, but the cake isn't a lie.

Yes cake is lie you stupid Think next time when you are talking to cake-haters.!
[Cake haters?] Well whatever Nice [Again].

i downloaded it and its not there   :panda:  :panda:  :panda:  :panda:  :panda:  :panda:

i downloaded it and its not there   :panda:  :panda:  :panda:  :panda:  :panda:  :panda:

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