Author Topic: v28: no more shop glitch  (Read 3154 times)


  • Guest
Don't frown, this is a good thing!  :cookieMonster:

wierd glitch with "network optimisation on players":

If you enter and leave interiors holding dead bodies they start turning invisible...

You are right though, as fun as skydiving was people did invincibility thing too much. Also its great that volcano is back up and running


  • Administrator
the invisible body thing is fixed now I think.

All this waiting and we get this? xD

It more like, made it suckier for us, taking off the fun shop glitch. There should be SOMETHING we can jump out of the sky from. T.T


  • Guest
we can jump out of the sky from. T.T

from which we can jump out of the sky**

woooh i logged out on top of the shop  :nes: :nes: :nes: :nes: :nes:


  • Guest
too bad he reset the characters :(  :nes: :nes: :nes:

And yet someone was SO desparate for the shop "glitch" that they quickly found that fiber can not only solve the issue of a higher roof it actually lets SHORTER people into in...


Yea oops he came on about an hour or so after that post and he said fiber cannot br planted in shop anymore....  dont kill me

* ladios pulls a gun out of his back pocket keeping it concealed
now why would i do that?


  • Administrator
Don't hide bugs.  It's quite a short sighted thing to do.

Yeah, it impedes his progress on the update he is slaving day and night on.  Right, Badspot? *stares blankly*

Is Kitty still going out with Snake?.....:D