Author Topic: [Tutorial]Making Add-Ons With Blender(Not Modeling)  (Read 145493 times)

Alright. I have a wheeled vehicle Ive been working on for a while with my friend, and something wierd has happened.

I have changed the model significantly, but I left all the mounts and such alone. It used to work, but now whenever I start a server, Blockland crashes as its loading the addon. Wtf? anyone have this happen to them before who found out what was causing it?
Code: [Select]
---------  Loading Add-Ons ---------
Loading Add-On: System_ReturnToBlockland (CRC:1476145949)
Executing Add-Ons/System_ReturnToBlockland/server.cs.
Executing Add-Ons/System_ReturnToBlockland/RTBS_Authentication.cs.
Activating package: RTBS_Authentication
Executing Add-Ons/System_ReturnToBlockland/RTBS_ContentDownload.cs.
Activating package: RTBS_ContentDownload
Executing Add-Ons/System_ReturnToBlockland/RTBS_GUITransfer.cs.
Executing Add-Ons/System_ReturnToBlockland/RTBR_GUITransfer_Hook.cs.
Activating package: RTBS_GUITransfer
Executing Add-Ons/System_ReturnToBlockland/RTBS_ServerControl.cs.
Executing Add-Ons/System_ReturnToBlockland/RTBR_ServerControl_Hook.cs.
Executing config/server/rtb/modPrefs.cs.
Activating package: RTBS_ServerControl
0 datablocks added.

Loading Add-On: Weapon_Sword (CRC:422663545)
Executing Add-Ons/Weapon_Sword/server.cs.
8 datablocks added.

Loading Add-On: Weapon_Spear (CRC:1708784625)
Executing Add-Ons/Weapon_Spear/server.cs.
12 datablocks added.

Loading Add-On: Weapon_Rocket_Launcher (CRC:-2070774940)
Executing Add-Ons/Weapon_Rocket_Launcher/server.cs.
Executing Add-Ons/Weapon_Rocket_Launcher/weapon_rocket launcher.cs.
17 datablocks added.

Loading Add-On: Weapon_Push_Broom (CRC:1400322002)
Executing Add-Ons/Weapon_Push_Broom/server.cs.
10 datablocks added.

Loading Add-On: Weapon_Horse_Ray (CRC:367580170)
Executing Add-Ons/Weapon_Horse_Ray/server.cs.
  Loading Add-On "Vehicle_Horse"
Executing Add-Ons/Vehicle_Horse/server.cs.
Executing Add-Ons/Weapon_Horse_Ray/Weapon_HorseRay.cs.
16 datablocks added.

Loading Add-On: Weapon_Guns_Akimbo (CRC:1514321065)
Executing Add-Ons/Weapon_Guns_Akimbo/server.cs.
  Loading Add-On "Weapon_Gun"
Executing Add-Ons/Weapon_Gun/server.cs.
Executing Add-Ons/Weapon_Guns_Akimbo/Weapon_AkimboGun.cs.
19 datablocks added.

Loading Add-On: Weapon_Bow (CRC:-287218214)
Executing Add-Ons/Weapon_Bow/server.cs.
Executing Add-Ons/Weapon_Bow/weapon_bow.cs.
13 datablocks added.

Loading Add-On: Vehicle_Tank (CRC:1201633818)
Executing Add-Ons/Vehicle_Tank/server.cs.
  Loading Add-On "Vehicle_Jeep"
Executing Add-Ons/Vehicle_Jeep/server.cs.
Executing Add-Ons/Vehicle_Jeep/jeep_Tire.cs.
Executing Add-Ons/Vehicle_Jeep/jeep_Explosion.cs.
Executing Add-Ons/Vehicle_Jeep/jeep_FinalExplosion.cs.
Executing Add-Ons/Vehicle_Jeep/jeep_Spring.cs.
  Loading Add-On "Projectile_GravityRocket"
Executing Add-Ons/Projectile_GravityRocket/server.cs.
Executing Add-Ons/Vehicle_Tank/Vehicle_Tank.cs.
Activating package: TankPackage
43 datablocks added.

Loading Add-On: Vehicle_Rowboat (CRC:1679833598)
Executing Add-Ons/Vehicle_Rowboat/server.cs.
Executing Add-Ons/Vehicle_Rowboat/Vehicle_rowboat.cs.
2 datablocks added.

Loading Add-On: Vehicle_Pirate_Cannon (CRC:-333183552)
Executing Add-Ons/Vehicle_Pirate_Cannon/server.cs.
Executing Add-Ons/Vehicle_Pirate_Cannon/Vehicle_Pirate_Cannon.cs.
Executing Add-Ons/Vehicle_Pirate_Cannon/player.cs.
Activating package: PirateCannonPackage
19 datablocks added.

Loading Add-On: Vehicle_Magic_Carpet (CRC:-1879754329)
Executing Add-Ons/Vehicle_Magic_Carpet/server.cs.
Executing Add-Ons/Vehicle_Magic_Carpet/vehicle_magiccarpet.cs.
1 datablocks added.

Loading Add-On: Vehicle_Jeepmod
Executing Add-Ons/Vehicle_Jeepmod/server.cs.
Executing Add-Ons/Vehicle_Jeepmod/jeep2_tire.cs.
Executing Add-Ons/Vehicle_Jeepmod/jeep2_explosion.cs.
As you can see, it crashes before it actually logs any issues in the console, so Im at a loss as to what I need to do. :(
« Last Edit: October 14, 2010, 09:11:18 PM by takato14 »

I guess no one else knows either, huh? :(

I'm still confused about parenting, do you have to be in edit or object mode? Also, when I press ctrl P it just sais "Make Parent?" I click it but then I don't know what i've parented something to..

My other problem is my texture is really glowy
I don't want it to glow!
How do you fix it?
« Last Edit: October 17, 2010, 10:45:09 AM by CheeseDragon »

Its the mesh. If you scale in object mode, things get screwy with shading. Heedicalking has a "tutorial" on blender efficiency which explains how to fix it here.

loving BBcode.
« Last Edit: October 17, 2010, 10:52:33 AM by takato14 »


I just COMPLETELY redid all the mounts and collision on my vehicle and it still crashes on load. :c


! Console just outputted something new.

Code: [Select]
error--Shape *filepath*-collision detail 0 (Collision-1) bounds box Invalid!

What does this mean?

« Last Edit: October 17, 2010, 11:06:27 AM by takato14 »

Its the mesh. If you scale in object mode, things get screwy with shading. Heedicalking has a "tutorial" on blender efficiency which explains how to fix it here.

loving BBcode.

Really? becasue I just exported it into the game it was perfect! (Except the mountpoint stuff which I'm still having problems on)

Really? becasue I just exported it into the game it was perfect!

Then why are you still here?


I just COMPLETELY redid all the mounts and collision on my vehicle and it still crashes on load. :c


! Console just outputted something new.

Code: [Select]
error--Shape *filepath*-collision detail 0 (Collision-1) bounds box Invalid!

What does this mean?

As long as you have an empty parented to Shape called Col0, and a regular box named Col parented to Col0, I have no idea whats going on.

Are you using the same bone for both animations? You gotta add a new animation and then re-keyframe the bone. And why are you saying you're parenting your animation, you can't parent your animation you parent the bones that display the animation and I'm assuming that's what you mean..
No I parented my fire animation bone to my reload1 bone..

Then why are you still here?

Try reading the bit that said I am still having problems with the mountpoint stuff.

Can someone please make a tutorial video or something about placing the mountPoints becuase I don't understand it.

Can someone please make a tutorial video or something about placing the mountPoints becuase I don't understand it.
You add an armature, rotate it, move it, whatever. Go into edit mode, select it, and type mountPoint where it says BO: Then just parent that armature do Detail32.
No I parented my fire animation bone to my reload1 bone..
Well you're supposed to parent all bones to Detail32.

As long as you have an empty parented to Shape called Col0, and a regular box named Col parented to Col0, I have no idea whats going on.

Just thought of something, will a dts crash if there arent any material files in the add-on directory? None at all?

I was going to wait to texture it untill I knew it was going to work, was that a bad idea?

You add an armature, rotate it, move it, whatever. Go into edit mode, select it, and type mountPoint where it says BO: Then just parent that armature to Detail32.

That's what i don't get, parenting! Do I just press Ctrl P and it knows that I want to parent the Armature to Detail32 or does it think that I want to parent it to Shape?

That's what i don't get, parenting! Do I just press Ctrl P and it knows that I want to parent the Armature to Detail32 or does it think that I want to parent it to Shape?
select the armature, hold shift and select detail32. then hit ctrl p.