Author Topic: Favorite Flash Game  (Read 2652 times)

Sure, we all love the big ones, the great giants of gaming, like HL2 and Call of Duty, but when I'm bored,  REALLY, REALLY, bored I play a flash game. The question is: What's your favorite flash game(s)?

For myself, my favorite flash games are from the famous Thing-Thing series. To be precise, Thing Thing Arena 3, and Thing Thing 4.

So what's yours?

Unreal Flash 2007. Somewhat decent among the games out there.


alien homonid, hard as stuff

The ultimate crab battle.

Pogo games..

if anyone says neopets..I will make you bleed..

my 5 year old brother likes the game endless war 3
I kinda like motherload

Matrix Rayne Madness mods. Ads a bit of Variety to madness interactive.

I suggest the HD mod, TAR mod, Armory Mod, WWII mod, and the Heckler & Koch mod.