Author Topic: New Vehicle: Golf Cart  (Read 11082 times)

Golf Cart
golf cart vehicle

A small, fun, golf cart vehicle with 6 mount points.


Download (Last Updated: Sat May 09, 2009 1:58 am)

Put into the Add-Ons folder in your Blockland folder.

Click Here to view this file on the RTB Download Manager

Let me know if everything works ok, I've had a few beers so its not impossible I've done something wrong :P

Yes! Thank you, muchly.

Can't wait to take this baby for a spin. :D

hehe nice job!
now we need a golf club... :cookieMonster:

hehe nice job!
now we need a golf club... :cookieMonster:

and golf balls!

I came. And i download.

Wewt Kaje's done it again!
Now, about that mech...

3 mechs have appeared. Where you been?

Anyway, nice ride, and not too big either.

Yes! You released it! Thank you, Kaje!

I told DarkStar to make this for the BEE Studio, but he didnt want to. So know you have answered my prayers!

finally released :D
EDIT: inb4100jackassservers