Author Topic: So I was sitting in my computer class, and the kid next to me was playing...  (Read 2824 times)

Kids in Elementary know how to use the internet. You're underestimating young people. ;)

A kid at my summer camp played it. He said that he didn't hate Blockland, but he like Roblox better.

I said the reverse. :D

Kids in Elementary know how to use the internet. You're underestimating young people. ;)
I'd think they'd just play vidya games, not do anything that would be worth it.

Tomorrow, bring an MP3 player and play Hatsune Miku ~ Triple baka on full blast in his ear.

Several people at my school did. I downloaded "Blockland", and they said "ITS A CHEAP RIPOFF".

Computer class? I am not sure about you, but in my school they don't let us download crap on the school's computers...

One time someone randomly walked by talking about roblox to someone, on reaction, I gave him a mad look and told himto play Blockland.

He said "no", that game sucks :I
I love Blockland, but I have to say that you just got owned....

Computer class? I am not sure about you, but in my school they don't let us download crap on the school's computers...

Explain. At my school we each get our own section of the H Drive. Admins can access it, and use search etc. There are lots of ways to beat computer administrators, at my school we do it all the time.

And what the hell can you do that's useful on the internet?

And what the hell can you do that's useful on the internet?
Think about that question for a minute......

There's two kids in my class who play Roblox. They got caught playing Roblox playing a "Castle Crashes" type minigame, and at lunch they we're fighting over who's fault it was that someone killed them in it and that they got caught or something. I told them to get Blockland and they just threw pizza crusts at me :(

I'll be in 8th grade next school year.

Are you in Elementary loooool. Go to high school and get your own laptop. They cannot moniter you.
Middle school + Private school = laptops
Doesn't mean they won't have software to monitor your actions from the tech room.

And trust me, they CAN see your laptop screen from their computers unless you have wireless off (zing!).

The kids in my school don't play games that require intelligence, i.e. RTS or creative/sandboxes, only stupid popular hyped games like halo.

IRL two of my friends play ROBLOX. I've recommended blockland to them many of times but it 'slips' past their minds. I was actually playing blockland on a school computer once. I received the following message from the IT man:
"Try and find something better to do with the $600,000 school network system."
Naturally I opened up notepad and replied with "no". I was locked off the system for 30 minutes :<
« Last Edit: May 17, 2009, 04:52:42 AM by Destiny/Zack0Wack0 »

Are you in Elementary loooool. Go to high school and get your own laptop. They cannot moniter you.
My high school doesn't allow laptops(I think), we have a no electronics policy. The forums are blocked here, but sometimes I'm able to get on by searching "Blockland Forums" in Google and clicking on a link.