Author Topic: you know when like your computer starts like going really fast  (Read 772 times)

Or like, ya know, the fan turns on high speed and its making a loud humming and you can hear your computer parts like going fizz fizz or whirring or stuff? Like I feel like my brain is doing that right now...
as I am too lazy to say everything again I will copy paste this

Quote from: A bulliten on Ladios's Myspace
I am so tripping out right now
i dont know what the hell I am thinking
or why I am... which is even moer confusing because I am tyring to figure out why I am thinking what I am thinking without knowing what it is that I am actually thinking at all... weird...
But yeah
I have been.... acting different recently
I dunno why
Like today after school I went to the 7/11 to get a mountain dew for the caffine cause I haven't had caffine all week and wanted to treat myself but for some reason I just couldn't do it and got a slushie and a sparkling lemonade instead.
And like so many temptations and issues have presented themselves that I would in the past exploit but now I couldn't see myself doing it.... I have actually been acting slightly more moralistic than usual, but in a different way as well... I dunno...
I have no explanation
I dont even know what I am atrying to say right now besides that I feel like I am going crazy
oh yeah... only two school days remaining...
what the forget?
Ya know?
No, you don't... but whatever
Ok goodnight?

Pretty much shows my reaction to everything that I do myself.
Even posting this thread or this post.

Ladios, where do you get your crack? My dealer got busted ):