Author Topic: [AAS] Closed. This was never true in any aspect.  (Read 4806 times)

This was a joke.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2006, 07:29:12 PM by Koden »


I know it isn't just my stupidity on politics. USSR pisses everyone me. The only reason they have any respect is because they have one member who isn't an ass: Facechild. They have tons of members but they all amount to crap. There are none of uncalled for kicks and bans. They host servers and none of the admins treat you like crap. I don't even see why we put up with it. We need to take action against my self. [AAK], the Alliance Against Koden, shall lead the campaign against me. It isn't a clan, so you don't have to leave your clan to be in it. Just put the tag AAK somewhere in your name to declare that you are fed up with Koden. This name will help you be accepted throughout many n00b servers. Join the resistance!
« Last Edit: July 10, 2006, 09:30:04 PM by Night-Stalker »

What in the hell is your problem? Why don't you just make a clan to compete with USSR instead of making a hate clan that makes you look like an ass? Also, since when do ALL of the admins treat people like crap? I help people, and I warn people if they do stupid crap before they get kicked/banned. Besides, an uncalled-for kick? It's just a kick! You can still come back!

I have lost all respect for you Koden, and I'm pretty sure I'm not going to be the only one.

I am really sorry. Please forgive me.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2006, 01:55:30 AM by Koden »

This is what happened....

People who make hate clans are 99% of the time was banned or kicked.

I am really sorry. Please forgive me.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2006, 01:56:08 AM by Koden »

it's a hate clan if you are try to get back at someone.....

I am really sorry. Please forgive me.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2006, 01:56:20 AM by Koden »

They ban these ppl:

1 blockhead built a fort around me with me traped inside.....he was still building when i found him.

This is the most sad thing I've ever seen. You're not going to over-power a clan in a game about building with Legos. Do they have a monopoly on clans or something? NO! Is this pointless? YES! They run a server, and it's quite a popular server, so naturally you're going to have complaints. Who knows if many of them are telling the truth? They want to have a clan with the best builders, and they like to keep their server nice as well, and that includes how people treat the members on their own damn server.

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They ban ppl who are irrisponsible and idiotic! Not like they ban Badspot on the spot!

dude you are acting just like the 10,000,000,000 other clans that were made for this purpose
nice unique name though

he did give this clan a cool name though