Author Topic: Summer  (Read 3696 times)

How are you going to kick off the summer?

I've got a big 5 day event!

June 4th - Last day of school!  Doing something in school, going to mall for lunch, then going to action city (an action arcade place thing) then back at school for like 15 min.

June 5th - Havin a party! inviting 4 of my epic friends, and we will party it up, go to see Land of the Lost.

June 6th - My birthday!  gonna keep them same friends over and party a bit more

June 7th - My Friend's birthday!  We will celebrate for him on June 6th with me, most likely.  and he can go back home and party with his fam if he wants :3

June 8th - Just sit around to really take in that it's summer, because i spent the last 4 days partying!

Post your summer kick-offs!

June 4th, Terminator 4, Sims 3, Infamous, Prototype.

That's about it, though I still have school for 3 more weeks after this one.

June 4th, Terminator 4, Sims 3, Infamous, Prototype.

That's about it, though I still have school for 3 more weeks after this one.
Oh really?

Wow, you must get back into school way after everyone else then, though.... Right?

What? Australia's school holiday system makes sense, US does not. We have 4 school terms in a Year, this does not roll over a year like the US does. Each term has 10 weeks each, total of 40 weeks a year, the rest is holidays, 2 week holidays after every term which is 6 weeks total. 46 weeks so far, then the last 6 weeks we have for our christmas holidays, which is around the last 2 weeks of dec and the 4 weeks of the next year.


# = Holidays
s = School

The us is simple. We have 4 simesters. Each being of 9 weeks. The two major parts off are Winter and Summer. Winter last 2 weeks and sumer lasting 2 1/2 months

sssssssss sssssssss ## sssssssss sssssssss ##########
 S1             S2            W   S3             S4             Summer

W = winter

I will be getting off This Wednesday.

I'm starting with a tennis camp that I found out I'm not in shape for!

What? Australia's school holiday system makes sense, US does not. We have 4 school terms in a Year, this does not roll over a year like the US does. Each term has 10 weeks each, total of 40 weeks a year, the rest is holidays, 2 week holidays after every term which is 6 weeks total. 46 weeks so far, then the last 6 weeks we have for our christmas holidays, which is around the last 2 weeks of dec and the 4 weeks of the next year.


# = Holidays
s = School
That's school all year! D:

Where is the 3 months of laziness and wondering why your dog looks at you because you wont let her on your bed for fear of her not letting you on it?

The us is simple. We have 4 simesters. Each being of 9 weeks. The two major parts off are Winter and Summer. Winter last 2 weeks and sumer lasting 2 1/2 months

sssssssss sssssssss ## sssssssss sssssssss ##########
 S1             S2            W   S3             S4             Summer

W = winter

I will be getting off This Wednesday.
9+9=18 weeks of school with NO holidays, that pretty loving messed up.

I still have 3 more weeks left before summer.
I'm going to some beach camp because my mom already signed me up for it.. :(
I dislike the beach..

9+9=18 weeks of school with NO holidays, that pretty loving messed up.
Dotted 1 day holidays throughout the year. THe occational weather day or so also helps.

australia's makes a ton of sense.

Dotted 1 day holidays throughout the year. THe occational weather day or so also helps.
We get those as well, they just too small to really care about.

australia's makes a ton of sense.


Nope. Yours is very simple. Ours it very scattered, some months have a holiday every monday, some have none.

I kicked mine off with a grade pool party (only 50 students, around 30 came).

Anyway, we played King of the Hill. Last one alive, and not pushed into the pool, wins! I didn't win, but I came close.

Then there was truth or dare in a hidden part of the pool. I saw boobies.

Then I got a sunburn.

Good times...