Thought on Retail

Author Topic: Thought on Retail  (Read 4566 times)

I think its gonna suck more than paris hilton becuase
1. The Graphics suck
2. People don't like blockland so much they would pay for it
What do you think?

1. The graphics are a lot better than the Blockland we've got now, what are you talking about? Also, the fact that you can have a lot more bricks with a lot less lag is very nice.

2. Quite a few people have said that they are going to buy it, wake up.

You call 3 people that are Mod Staff quite a few?
+ just look a picture it looks like blockland .0001
or something maybe thers a few bricks that are better and no lag is a +
but still overall it looks like it sucks.

Can you plz step away from the computer, sir. You have been cought posting and drinking...I'm going to have to give you a PUI.

THE ONLY AND I MEAN ONLY THING THAT IS GOING TO BE BAD ON RETAIL WILL BE THE BLOCKY FIGURES. And you know someone is going to make a mod to change that.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2006, 06:40:39 PM by El Barto »

The minifigs look different, because Badspot isn't allowed to make the game look LEGO, or the LEGO company will 'sue his pants off'.

When RTB 1.05 is released for retail, they will be putting all the LEGO stuff back in. Stuff like the pegs and the true minifig shape... among other things.

And you have no idea how many people would play retail, considering how totally pwnsome it is. I mean, I've loved LEGO games... even the sucky ones actually made by LEGO... but it was never possible to even build like you can with Blockland... hell, I'd prefer BL-0002 to any other LEGO game out there, made by the LEGO company or otherwise.

P.S. The graphics rock your f*cking socks. Trust me.

The minifigs look different, because Badspot isn't allowed to make the game look LEGO, or the LEGO company will 'sue his pants off'.

That I knew...and besides....When did Badspot have pants on anyways?

You call 3 people that are Mod Staff quite a few?
+ just look a picture it looks like blockland .0001
or something maybe thers a few bricks that are better and no lag is a +
but still overall it looks like it sucks.
i will buy it
and the lag doesnt suck... it looks just like a game i would enjoy due to the randomness in some parts  of it

Heh Dorso, you truly are "tighter than a cat's ass" money-wise. If you aren't going to buy it, great. Don't try and discourage other people from paying, out of jealousy and/or spite.

The minifigs aren't bad. They're just interestingly different.

From what I know, crappy graphics cards can't just change a model's shape.

And the minifigs actually do look like that for the time being... I don't know if Badspot plans to add more to them later... but either way, I'm sure RTB will make them look LEGO again.

So are RtB and Retail affiliated or something?
Good way to get a cease and desist!~  :iceCream:
I'm actually looking forward to the new style, as it allows for more options [pearl, jello effects etc] and more creative additions instead of just what Lego's made.

I think its gonna suck more than paris hilton becuase
1. The Graphics suck
2. People don't like blockland so much they would pay for it
What do you think?

Seriously, if you think the graphics are worse then the first game, go out and get a glasses perscription.

Most of the shapes are good, except the tree. I think that lighting is applied to the cone strangely. If you really want to know though, all the bricks were made by hand, in notepad, because of the new brick system. The new system allows all kinds of effects to be applied to bricks, as well as building inside of holes in bricks, and lighting.

You call 3 people that are Mod Staff quite a few?

Yeah, the three people who actually played it, and saw it for themselves, compared to the one person who hasn't played it, and is passing early judgement on beta screenshots.

Also, I like the new minifigs, and the bricks, and I think I would go as far as to not download a mod, if they didn't supply a version with normal textures and shapes. If you play with them, you get used to them, and learn to love them. Except Mocheeze, haha. The new brick studs are actually always aligned, normally, except in a few rare cases, unlike the original blockland, where you would get shadows pointing in different directions all the time.

Its just people having played blockland with a cylinder base game too long. If it was boxes from the start, I bet people would be thinking differently.

Also, Jadenx has a valid point there. I'm sure there will be a LEGO mod, but I don't want RTB to take it upon themselves to do it, I'd rather just keep the box shaped textures, while still getting all the features of RTB...

I have to say the blocky style really does grow on you. It looks really handicapped at first, but now i really like it. Its got a nice "new" feel to it.

Dorso, i think you are an idiot.

Dorso, i think you are an idiot.
So does half of the blockland population, Including me.

Dorso, i think you are an idiot.
you just think it?
i know it!