Author Topic: The Blockland Forums  (Read 18270 times)


Every single one of these threads are in the drama section. Sure some of them are handicapped and serve absolutely no purpose other then the grab as much attention as possible (ban list thread, goodbye threads) but still, I don't think you guys "get" what this section entitles exactly.

If your standard for the entire forum's community is the loving Drama section I'm going to have to ask you to step outside. If you don't like it stop frequenting drama, just stop. Get out of here before you get a heart attack, go post elsewhere. This is the section where people come in looking to pick a fight with someone else over an online-capable game about building with virtual blocks. That is the section's intended purpose so naturally there will be plenty of people trying to pick a fight over literally NOTHING with other people. It is a stupid section and you should not be cutting yourself over anything that happens here. It's not, loving, worth it.

You then say "Drama is a dump" but you forget, it's kind of designed that way. Here's a metaphor to help show why and how ridiculous this place is: coming here is like going to a monkey fight. Hey maybe some people enjoy monkey fights, others couldn't care less, they don't go to the monkey fights because they don't like to throw feces at people/monkeys. But then some people start taking these monkey fights serious as stuff and get their sorry asses banned for doing something explicitly stupid like breaking a rule because it's "Important everyone knows I'm leaving the monkey fights now because I am angry about the monkey fights". All that instead of just, you know, leaving the monkey fights and going to the more impressive hippo fights (clan discussion). So Drama helps take out the trash, or more specifically people that take monkey fights seriously enough to jump off a building if them or their favorite monkey gets caked in feces. Don't feel sorry for them, it's their own loving fault, it is their complete intent to get banned, get people to feel sorry for them, etc. over a loving monkey fight. Know why? Well let's ask, can these people be dumb enough to actually take monkey fights so seriously? Of course not. Why are they putting up such a show anyways then, what is the intended purpose? I'll let you guys figure this out.

Are you starting to see how ridiculous this place is yet? It's idiotic. How can you take anything here so seriously? Of course posting something like "I don't care" will get your sorry ass banned for obvious reasons but you can still actually not care and post here, I think the mods permit that. If you don't like it, if you want absolute control over what everyone thinks and what the monkeys are doing then you are not going to have a fun time at the monkey fights. The place is simply out of your control because you are fighting against the place's very purpose, to house monkey fights. My suggestion, stop reading Drama. Don't even feel bad about it, you won't be missing out on much.
I honestly think he had a good reason to bitch at most of those people in that topic. People were making fun of Moar because he couldn't type good sentences type sentences well. This is a good example of those grammar national socialist cigarettes.
If you can read what someone is putting down, shut the hell up. Nobody is perfect.

lol, sorry, I had to.

Grammar national socialist awaaay!

*rides a horse off in to the sunset*

monkey fights

lol, sorry, I had to.

Grammar national socialist awaaay!

*rides a horse off in to the sunset*
You're my hero.

This is my opinion of these forums:
The flaming and bullying seems worse back then than it is now.
Take these topics for example:
and some stuff in this topic:
more sampapa stuff:
Now when people that get flamed are just ignorant people or annoiying trolls.
I've read all those, and now I think I must rant some more.

Yes it's true, we're all starfishs.  Even me, or anyone else in this gigantic hell hole of non-sense drama bullstuff.  But, I feel for Sampapa's sympathy.  I might say I even feel sorry for the little guy.  I wasn't here when he was, of course, but somehow I manage.  Unlike some of the smart members here, a majority of you don't even know why the forget the Internet was oringinally created.  Not for bitching and whinning about stuff, causing drama, or anything else that fits into this catagory.  Those of you handicaps who actually have the nerve to not understand a damn thing about how someone actually feels, need to get the forget out of these forums, sell your computer, and read a damn book.  But no!  Everyone here has to put up with straight bullstuff that comes from you handicaps!  And, I'm not pleaing for loving sympathy, nor trying to gain attention.  I'm making points about handicapped you forgeters are on the internet.  Learn to be on and interact with the internet the correct way, or get the forget out.
I honestly think he had a good reason to bitch at most of those people in that topic. People were making fun of Moar because he couldn't type good sentences. This is a good example of those grammar national socialist cigarettes.
If you can read what someone is putting down, shut the hell up. Nobody is perfect.
The goodbye topics have to stop. I had quit the forums for a period of time because of people being stupid snotty friends. Did I make a topic about it, or bitch about it when it all went down? I sort of am now, but not at that time. I simply locked the topic, and ignored it.
So the guy had a few ideas and decided to post about them? Big freaking deal. He got flamed for doing something that other members do here daily. I don't recall posting a suggestion being against the damn forum rules.
It looks to me like this was made so a few of the members can spot their ID and beg to be unbanned. A fail attempt to make yourself feel better because someone is kissing your ass to get you to unban them.

The grammar national socialist-ing I know about here is usually in good fun. I'm not quite sure when it's gone that wrong, I have no clue what was going on with that whole Spation thing.

Goodbye topics are just a final cry for attention. People realize that the forum has already eaten them alive, so they try one last time to make a dent in it.

He put each idea in a different topic. We told him to put them all in one topic, but he didn't listen. Thus, he got a Drama topic.

I honestly don't understand that topic. The only thing it can do is hurt you. I agree with you here.

(Note: I didn't respond to your first point because I didn't quite understand.)

Friendly reminder: BE NICE!

Define 'Bandwagonning'
Agreeing with someone?
-I find the when one person says something and two people oppose they love to yell 'Bangwadgon hopper etc.'
stuff memes?
'candlejack is so funny hurrdur'
'ya lol candleja'
Continuation of general douchebaggery in order to try and be funny?

Although Drama (like monkey fights) isn't exactly the place that will CRUSH EVERYTHING YOU EVER LOVED like some kind of laser robot with e-dream destroying hands -- stop caring so much.

Not saying tl;dr but there's a difference between "I did it for teh lulz" and "I did it to piss someone off.".

Wrong.  Don't you know that the "lulz" is watching the reaction to you ticking someone off?

Antallion, if you don't care get out of the thread.

Its not that I "care oh so much", I was simply trying to do you guys a service, some of you get where I coming from, and the others are already so hostile they shoot it down without thought.

Muffinmix is the only one who has shown details or any sign of wit in disagreement with my argument.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2009, 11:46:11 AM by Dr Bling »

Muffinmix is the only one who has shown details or any sign of wit in disagreement with my argument.

Technically "wit" is not required to make a  point when disagreeing here. Because this thread is purely opinion, everything said, even: "I am a turd sandwich" can be pertinent.

In other words if I said I disagreed with something you said because my shoes are brown you would have no choice but to accept that yes, my shoes are brown and that I don't agree with what you said. You can still point out that my reason is stupid (it is) but that doesn't invalidate my point of view.

Not trying to advertise or anything, but I think we should be more like It's always a possitive atmosphere, even when asking the most handicapped of questions. And it helps that they don't have an off-topic section.

They do too have an off-topic section:


  • Administrator
I was simply trying to do you guys a service

Do you actually think that or are you trolling?  You really thought you were going to straighten everyone out with a long winded speech about how everyone here is beneath you?  My god. 

You are just as bad if not worse than all the people you are complaining about.

about how everyone here is beneath you?  My god. 

Out of all the people to not read a post, a loving admin?

If you had read the OP...

this topic shows flaws about this forum that mostly everyone is or has been guilty of at some time, including my self.

You would have realized that I am just as guilty as any other Blocklander, as I stated. (I bolded so you wouldn't skip over it twice.)

However, once again you decided to be an starfish to a member of a community to the game you made, great customer service.

No I do not think I am better then anyone else, I know many other people have thought of this too. They probably decided not to post due to the fact that they would be flamed by the admin :).

Out of all the people to not read a post, a loving admin?

If you had read the OP...

Is that it? After all the time it took to make such a long essay this is the only response you can muster to the one person that can change things the way you want?

Do you fear being banned? Then why say anything?

This isn't a flame it's a challenge, like the saying goes, if you want something done you are going to have to do it yourself. There's the man, right there, convince him that you are right. If you can't then there was really no point to this thread other than to troll.

Prove you are not a troll, that this thread wasn't just made to call the bad people bad.

(And take back what you said, he obviously did at least skim your writing to have come to the conclusions he did, you don't get people to listen by insulting them.)

to much reading.

gimme the 2 sentence version!

convince him that you are right. If you can't then there was really no point to this thread other than to troll.

Why do people have to kiss Badspot's ass every time he posts something? Hes doesn't need any convincing. What your saying here is, "Badspot said so. So that's how it is." I see nothing different in this thread than every other thread in drama. This whole thread is drama, and it is in the drama section. If you think this thread was made to troll, that means every other thread in drama was made to troll.