
What do you think of this?


Author Topic: Jasa's Colorset  (Read 4288 times)

Sorry for the bump. Just doing a favor.

-Jasa's Colorset-

Paints on the bricks are to the left, and their shown on the paint UI to the right.

Nice Job On the Transparentcy.

^same as above^

               PROPS AND PROP SYS!

Hold on.. ive seen this color set before..

Hold on.. ive seen this color set before..
Nevermind, can't find it anywhere, I'm halusinating.
« Last Edit: June 16, 2009, 08:20:49 PM by trumpetfan »

Hold on.. ive seen this color set before..
Same here.......But I know you stole it.

i recounted and it has exactly 60.
Phail, its 59,  9 x 7 = 63.  63 - 4 = 59.  Basic math.
« Last Edit: June 19, 2009, 12:54:18 AM by Gadgethm »

Phail, its 59,  9 x 7 = 63.  63 - 4 = 59.  Basic math.
there is a color that is invisible

ah, i was looking at the  bricks, not the UI

Wow you did i nice job on this i remember when there was like 5 color sets a day made it was annoying. anyway this one looks nice and you did a nice job on it  :cookie: for you. *not even 2 seconds later*

Ahhhh darnit oh well he -------->  :cookieMonster: ate it. oh well  :iceCream: for you then :)

Thank You for the pic HellRiot
« Last Edit: June 19, 2009, 01:44:31 AM by sucon »

Same here.......But I know you stole it.
hey, shut up. i made it, and it is all my colorset.

this cool*downloads*