Author Topic: Blockland Cut-Scene  (Read 968 times)

 That's right pals, I created an evented blockland cut scene, which you can watch here:

  Link to the save is at the bottom of my post.

Warning: You need the following event add-ons in order for it to work:


Enjoy! The save is better than the video though :/
« Last Edit: June 17, 2009, 03:52:10 PM by captain blue »

No it's not, Jirue's done tons of these for his HL2 build, and Ace did them before you in is Arceous RPG. This is like, the 14th cut scene thing made. It's alright.

Why was his mouse constantly in the middle of the screne? Also, Ace had a cutscene at the end of his RPG that was awesome. I didnt quite get this one

This is not the first cut scene.

I know Jirue's done some, I've done some, and I'm positive that there were others.

I made the first ones back in v8 for my Ninja Blocken Sigma build.

I've done this before.

Mateo's done one too. It involved a guy getting shot after not giving him money.

Damn it, I didn't know about those. The topic title is edited now.

Whats with all of the s on youtube?
And the video did not wont to play for me :panda:

This was awsome but i think you should have also put in "warning you need these add-ons to have this save (and its just called Emote)(andSETPlayerCamera)and also JVS Doors

MAKE MORE!!!!!!!!

   OK Then Dont make more
« Last Edit: July 08, 2009, 05:47:30 PM by GTF-11 Drio »

That wasn't good  =l

YEah, really. All it was is just a camera mounted to a brick, an emote and a couple default events like "client-print bottom screen message" and "kill player".